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Workday report for Purisima Creek Redwoods – Craig Britton Trail – April 20th, 2019

Project: Craig Britton Trail 

Photo Album: Craig Britton Trail Photos 

For our Earth Day project we worked on the Craig Britton Trail in the Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve, part of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. This trail is also part of the Bay Area Ridge Trail.

About twenty volunteers attended and were led by crewleaders Dave Croker, Judd Volino and Bill Farrell. Hank Magnuski was supervisor for the day.

In the morning the precipitation exceeded expectations and we were all standing in the rain waiting for our shuttles. Fortunately, the worksites were reasonably sheltered in the forest and the rain dissipated as the morning progressed. There were a few spots with a little more moisture in the soil than we needed, but most of the trail was quite workable.

We staged from the North Lot and shuttled to the Purisima Creek Trailhead where MROSD staff drove us and the tools to the Craig Britton Trailhead. We thank Brendan Dolan and his assistant ranger for these rides because they tremendously helped to increase energy and time available to work on the trail. While riding the ATV Mules down to the trailhead some of the volunteers felt like they were in a scene straight out of Jurassic Park with a windy, wet road and dark forest all around.

We were able to finish a lot, but not all, of the southern half of the Craig Britton Trail. The majority of the work done was widening tread and reestablishing the inside edge. From the original plan the centrally located markers CB216-CB220 were not assigned because of the distance involved and due to the earth already being hard-baked. All work was completed up to CB235, but CB236 and higher remain to be done.

The crewleaders estimate that there is one more day's work left on this trail and we should probably re-survey and possibly plan a revisit for the November BART Service Day.

Many thanks to all involved for these repairs,

Hank Magnuski